The Bhavnagar city houses its own railway station known as the Bhavnagar Terminus. The Bhavnagar city is connected by rail lines from all major cities of India so tourists can comfortably reach Bhavnagar by Train. There are daily Bhavnagar trains from Mumbai, Delhi, Jaipur, Pune, and Ahmedabad and also from major cities of Gujarat. The Bhavnagar Terminus is geographically situated near the Lokhand Bazaar so that tourists can even visit this Bhavnagar Shopping place before heading to destination. The other railway station in Bhavnagar is Bhavnagar para (BVP).
Bhavnagar Terminus railway station is a railway station serving Bhavnagar city in the Bhavnagar district of Gujarat. This railway station comes under Bhavnagar railway division of Western Railway Zone of Indian Railways. Bhavnagar railway station is located at 11 meters above sea the level and has two platforms. As of 2016 18 trains starts and end here. The Bhavnagar Airport is located at distance of 6 kilometers from Bhavnagar railway station.
You can easily travel Ahmedabad to Bhavnagar by Train. Check out Ahmedabad to Bhavnagar Trains list.
People can travel Mumbai to Bhavnagar by Train. Check out Mumbai to Bhavnagar Train.
Tourists can go Delhi to Bhavnagar by Railway. Check out Delhi to Bhavnagar Trains.
Travellers can go Pune to Bhavnagar by Railway. Check out Pune to Bhavnagar Trains list.
Travellers can easily go Jaipur to Bhavnagar by Railway as there are many trains that run from Jaipur to Bhavnagar. Check out Jaipur to Bhavnagar Trains.