This Vadodara by Road article provides helpful information of driving distance from Major Indian cities to Vadodara. You can also check out various tourist Places to visit in Vadodara.
The Ahmedabad to Vadodara road distance is approximately 112 kilometers and you can drive Vadodara from Ahmedabad city within 2 to 2.30 depending upon the traffic. The road connecting Ahmedabad to Vadodara are well maintained, so you can easily travel Vadodara from Ahmedabad by vehicle.
The Mumbai to Vadodara road distance is approximately 360 Kilometers and the driving time required to travel Vadodara from Mumbai is about 7 to 7.30 hours depending upon the traffic. The roadways and highways connecting Mumbai to Vadodara are also kept in good conditions, so one can easily reach Vadodara from Mumbai by bus or car.
The New Delhi to Vadodara highway span is approximately 1014 kilometers and journey time from New Delhi to Vadodara is approximately 7 hours and 45 minutes which may vary depending upon the road traffic. The highways and roads connecting both the cities New Delhi and Vadodara are maintained in good conditions, so people can travel trouble free to Vadodara from New Delhi by bus or car.
The Pune to Vadodara by roadway distance is approximately 548 Kilometers and journey duration from Pune to Vadodara is approximately 9 hours and 25 minutes and may vary depending upon the road traffic. The highways joining both the cities Pune and Vadodara are in nice conditions, so tourists can easily reach Vadodara from Pune by bus or vehicle.
The road distance from Bangalore to Vadodara is approximately 1381 Kilometers and tourists can travel Bangalore to Vadodara within 11 hours and 45 minutes depending on the road traffic. The roadways and highways linking both the cities Bangalore and Vadodara are well kept, so you can easily journey Vadodara from Bangalore by vehicle.
The road span from Indore to Vadodara is approximately 347 Kilometers and tourists who wish to travel Indore to Vadodara by car can easily reach Vadodara within 8 hours and 30 minutes depending on the road traffic. The highway joining Bangalore to Vadodara is well maintained, so people can trouble free go on a trip to Vadodara from Bangalore by vehicle.
The road span between Bhopal city and Vadodara city is approximately 530 Kilometers and if you wish to travel Bhopal to Vadodara by bus or car, you can simply reach this city within 13 hours and 15 minutes depending upon the traffic conditions. The highways connecting Bhopal city to Vadodara city are well preserved in order to make the tourist journey easy and trouble free.