This Vadodara distance article provides information of Vadodara aerial distance, road distance and rail distance from Major Indian cities to Vadodara. You can also check out various Things to do in Vadodara.
The Ahmedabad to Vadodara road distance is around 112 kilometers and driving time required to travel is somewhat 2 hours and Ahmedabad to Vadodara rail distance is around 96 kilometers and travelling time is somewhat 1 hours 33 minutes. The best way to go Vadodara from Ahmedabad city is via bus and railway.
The Mumbai to Vadodara roadway distance is around 360 Kilometers and the travelling time is somewhat 7 hours. The Mumbai to Vadodara train distance is 362 kilometers and the travel time required by train is 4 hours 51 minutes. The Mumbai to Vadodara flight distance is 360 kilometers and travelling time required is somewhat 1 hour. The Bus, car and train are the best means of transportation to reach Vadodara from Mumbai.
The New Delhi to Vadodara roadway distance is around 1014 kilometers and driving distance from New Delhi to Vadodara is about 7 hours 45 minutes. The New Delhi to Vadodara rail distance is around 986 kilometers and travel time by railway is around 11 hours 20 minutes. The Delhi to Vadodara flight distance is around 811 kilometers and time taken via flight is around 1 hour.
The Pune to Vadodara road length is around 548 Kilometers and travel duration taken to travel from Pune to Vadodara by vehicle is 9 hours 25 minutes. The Pune to Vadodara rail distance is approximately 534 kilometers and it takes 8 hours 55 minutes to reach Vadodara from Pune by train. The Pune to Vadodara aerial distance is around 426 and it takes 6 hours 50 minutes to reach Vadodara from Pune by flight.
The road distance between Bangalore and Vadodara is around 1381 Kilometers and travel duration required to travel is around 11 hours 45 minutes by vehicle. The rail distance from Bangalore to Vadodara is around 1440 Kilometers and journey duration is around 28 hours 35 minutes. The aerial distance from Bangalore to Vadodara is about 1137 Kilometers and flight duration is around 3 hours 20 minutes.
The road distance between Indore and Vadodara is around 347 Kilometers and driving time required to travel is around 8 hours 30 minutes by vehicle. The rail distance from Indore and Vadodara is somewhat 437 Kilometers and journey time required is around 7 hours 58 minutes by railway.
The road distance from Bhopal and Vadodara is somewhat 530 Kilometers and driving time required to reach from Bhopal to Vadodara by car is around 13 hours 15 minutes by vehicle. The rail distance from Bhopal to Vadodara is somewhat 541 Kilometers and journey duration is around 9 hours 05 minutes by railway. The aerial distance from Bhopal to Vadodara is about 445 Kilometers and journey duration is around 7 hours 03 minutes by flight.